MRI Scan
A MRI Scan is a non-invasive technique which can look in detail at the soft-tissue within your brain and spinal cord. It is a common investigation requested in a wide variety of neurological disorders including where MS is suspected. For more information, click here.
A DatSCAN™ takes pictures of the brain using radiation - similar to having an x-ray. It is a common technique for patients who have a tremor or slowness of movement.
Lumbar Puncture
(spinal tap) - a needle is inserted (under local anaesthetic) into the small of your back to access the space around your spinal cord and a small sample of fluid is then taken and tested for abnormalities. The procedure is done as a daycase and afterwards you will be asked to lie on your back for a few hours. A small proportion of patients may suffer headaches for a few days after the procedure, otherwise complications are rare.
Evoked Potentials
A painless procedure, to test the time it takes for your brain to receive messages. Small electrodes are placed on your head to monitor how your brain waves respond to external stimuli e.g. what you see, hear or feel.